With Atomic Email Studio You Can
Import contacts from a file, database or Outlook
Extract email addresses from files on your computer hard drive
Find prospects on the web
Verify email addresses
Create text or HTML messages (editable templates included)
Send mass email through multiple SMTP servers
Schedule your mailings
Track and compare your campaigns
Easily unsubscribe contacts
Manage your mailing list
SMS - Emails Messaging From AtomPark Software
Our team proved its reliability with the years of constant work and customers’ loyalty and holds its steady leadership position in the European markets of Email and SMS marketing. Throughout 11 years of experience we present a high-quality and features-full software and Atomic web-service for professional marketing and mass mail optimization. Continuing to develop and improve, we provide customers with new opportunities over email and SMS campaigns.
Copyright © 2006 - 2025 Mercataworld All rights reserved worldwide
Development & Design Z Capan
AtomPark Software company was established in 2001 as vendor of email software, ecommerce and marketing. Over the years we became one of major players on both American and European markets and extended the range of products. Currently the company is made of over 30 professionals who create new software products, update existing software and provide customer care to our customers. We have offices in the United States, Russia, Australia, Ukraine, Spain and Latvia.
In addition to email marketing software we have a different line of products - computer monitoring software. Two major products are staff cop (home use and small business) and Security Curator (for corporate use). The software is successfully used in banks, industrial companies and educational establishments.
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